echelon (noun). level of power or responsibility

June 4, 2008

Today’s Thought For The Day is:

A person should be happy not knowing whether it’s sunny or raining.
(or something to that effect)

It got me thinking. I’ve come to realised I am very easily influenced by the weather; which sucks of course. Who wants to go back to the days where mother nature’s echelon had people believing they could not, and hence should not, defy it. After all that out ancestors have done to get us to where we’re at during this time and age, it seems like such as waste to just take it for granted. Or even worse, just go back to being in line with human nature.
Henceforth, I shall not succumb to how the weather wants me to feel, but rather, decide on my own account. Ahh. That sounds delightful.
Even more delightful that I’m thinking about it with background music playing.

I finally bought Usher’s Here I Stand Album, and might I add it was worth every penny. I would happily say its different to all his other albums. I personally wasn’t all into his hip and his hop; but this album has taken a different path. Of course, some tracks are influenced by Jay-Z and, and has the hint of the R&B/Hip-Hop, but the majority of the tracks are slow/soulful Rythms and Blues. It’s currently averaging a 4.5/5 on iTunes. Not bad (:
Loving track numbers 2 (Make Love In This Club), 3 (This Ain’t Sex), 5 (Moving Mountains), 8(Something Special), 9(Love You Gently), 11(Before I Met You), and 18 (Will Work For Love)

Dad is telling mum off cos she’s crying to a Kdrama.
LOL. Reminds me of Hamish and Andy’s talk on as to Why Girls Cry. Most people claims that its a remedy of stress relief. I would agree, but I reckon there’s more to it than wets the eye ;)
The blatent obvious is of course that as girls, we like to keep in touch with out emotions, not become cold-hearted and unable to empathise. Next, the stress that a cry relieves is beautiful. Not much has to be said, and a whole load seems to be lifted from your chest. Since stress is gone, it also helps with skin, skin feels ten times smoother after a cry (at least it does for me). The happy cries are the best though; its a type of happiness (according to last month’s picture on Leunig’s Calendar). Happy cries bring an extra sparkly and twinkle to the eye, which makes you more beautiful.(L)
So let’s cry! (for the right reasons of course) :D

I had my ultrasound done today! I was half an hour late. The appointment was suppose to be at 3pm, but I somehow thought 3:30pm. I ended up having to wait an extra half an hour, meaning the one litre of water I consumed an hour before had to be held in for an excruciating half hour more. It was absolute torture.
I was thinking of all the ways I could sue them for having my bladder go through this traumatic process. I mean … 2 minutes of holding in urine felt like 2 hours.
And when it came time to the actual ultrasound, they said they couldn’t see anything as I’ve taken in too much liquid, so I had to half-release it, that is, pee for 20 seconds then stop. It was hard work.
I don’t get test results until tomorrow (Hieu gets first look if its a kid HAHA). But for the meantime, I’m treating my bladder by staying away from liquids for at least half the day. (Y)

Tomorrow is the day before the long weekends! YAY! Hurlstone is cool like that for having a billion SDD’s throughout the year. And how fortunate are we HSC students allowed this amazing 4 day period to do our assessments. Exciting :D

I shall get back to some homework. I’ve neglected a whole week’s worth of homework, so I left the Research, and am doing it instead.

7 Responses to “echelon (noun). level of power or responsibility”

  1. hieusy Says:

    and if it aint a kid, you owe me a kid to look at mans.

  2. Peter Says:

    Wow what a good read, it sent me like right to sleep !
    jjks jks
    yeh seems llike an eventful day you have there, whats the ultrasound for?

    whos tha father eh? LOL =O

  3. Peter Says:

    ps. stop bloggin and do ur work

  4. Leena Says:

    naaw your thoughts are beautiful mags.

    LOL and ur ultrasound experience is exactly like mine. cept i was made to go toilet 3 times cause i dont listen to instruction like you and consumed like 4L. :D

  5. myemye Says:

    Maggie you’re so cute! Tammy, Leena and I discussing how cute you are. We would hug you now!

    ∙ lєєиa love ت trading places @CHEM says:
    *group hugs maggie*

    All the best for test results tomorrow!

  6. Tammy Says:

    awww maggie ILOVEYOU!

  7. myemye Says:

    * are discussing

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